Author Topic: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects  (Read 6233 times)

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Explain this to me.

I've programmed TCS decoders quickly and easily, because they come right out and tell you the numbers to put in.  In this instance, I'm using a DZ-125, which supports FX3 programming for lights, according to the useless piece of paper that comes with every decoder.  Naturally, the document is silent on the topic of actually USING the F#*king thing, and refers you to the Encyclopedia Electronica to pick your way through their on line guide.

In typical Digitrax style, their on-line guide includes page after page of charts that mean absolutely nothing to anyone that has a degree in the humanities.

I followed along as best I could, adding the CV value from chart B (the effect I want) to the value in chart C (the other part of the effect I want) and applied the result to the CV identified in Chart A.  Clearly I'm missing something, because I'm still getting what I DON'T want.

Here's what I'm after:
White Wire, CV 49, should be Rule 17, full brightness forward, dim in reverse.
Yellow Wire, CV 50, should be a rotary beacon effect, on in both directions.

I've hardwired a dim LED board to track power, so it's on all the time, and not under the influence of the decoder at all.  I've installed the yellow wire to a beacon on the roof of the cab, which should be on all the time, but no matter what math I do, it only works in reverse.  Likewise, the headlight works only in the forward direction, and does not dim in reverse, with or without F4 activated, which I was led to believe might work.

So, dear readers, if someone can simply tell me what the numeric value of the CV Data should be to accomplish both of the above listed effects, I shall be forever in your debt.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2013, 09:48:15 PM by wm3798 »
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2013, 10:33:21 PM »
What are the values you programmed into your CV49 and 50?
. . . 42 . . .

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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 08:46:29 AM »
so the beacon drops off going forward but stays on in reverse?  Interesting.

FWIW Youtube put a hot tub blow out sale ad over your video.  Clearly there's a universal message in there somewhere, but I haven't yet had enough coffee to figure it out yet. :facepalm:
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 01:07:26 PM »
For CV 49, (front headlight) I added 8 (for Rule 17 lighting) plus 32 (non directional lighting) = 40
For CV 50 (Yellow wire) I added 6 (rotary beacon) plus 32 (non- directional) = 38

The result was what you see in the video.

In culling through the vast swamp of information on their CV page, I noticed something about CV61, which apparently when set to 03, provides non-directional lighting as well as transponding, which was the desire of the owner of the loco.  When I get home tonight I can try that and see what happens.

Also, I'm wondering if Rule 17 lighting would work at all, since it is affected by the direction of travel, with a non-directional input...

I dunno.
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 02:29:37 PM »
I don't have my Digitrax book in front of me, because I'm not at home, so I should probably keep my mouth shut.  However, I'll add this: I thought that Rule 17 was headlight bright in the forward direction and dim in reverse.  That seems inconsistent with non-directional lighting.  Maybe you can't do what you're trying to do with CV49, i.e., the value of 40.  What happens when you just put in 8?


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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 02:47:55 PM »
Nothing.  On forward, off reverse.
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2013, 03:27:20 PM »
Um.. Why not use Decoder Pro to set up the CV's?
If you dont have a connection to the layout then just use it to dummy up a loco, set the settings you want and then keep an eye on the CV's that have changed in the CV tab and then go and manually enter them into the loco..???
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2013, 06:54:33 PM »
The problem isn't entering the CVs.  It's knowing the proper values to get the results I want.
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2013, 10:43:14 PM »
Yep thats what I mean..
Set up a dummy loco in Decoder Pro with the decoder type you have.
Then only change the light settings to the ones you want. It will then calculate the CV's that need to be changed and then check the CV tab and look for the ones that are a different colour. Then you can manually enter them into the loco..
Then if they dont work, change the decoder Pro screens to get different settings and then check the changed colour CV's.

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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2013, 01:17:50 PM »
Well, the question is moot, because I don't have/use decoder pro.

I didn't get a chance to fool with it last night, but I'll see what I can accomplish through the "Hunt and Peck" system...

Bottom Line is, I wish Digitrax would be more straightforward with its programming directions.  TCS' manual says "You want this effect?  Set this CV to this value"  Reading Digitrax is like going around your elbow to get to your thumb.

I think it's interesting that given all the Digitrax adherents there are on this forum, that no one has been able to answer this simple question... :trollface:
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2013, 01:48:11 PM »
Did you set CV61 to 3?



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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2013, 02:40:56 PM »
I don't know if this helps, but I don't think you can get a Digitrax chip to have either headlight full brightness in one direction, then dim in the opposite direction unless they've changed something.
A little over a year ago I installed a TCS chip in a VO-1000.  After messing around with it I got the Headlight set with a Gyro light and the Tail light is a constant dim.  When I reverse the direction the Tail light is a Gyro and the Headlight is a constant dim. I thought this was kind cool so I tried doing it with a loco that had a Digitrax DN163A0 and was unable to replicate this action.  I later read that TCS has much better lighting functions than Digitrax has.  The blurb didn't come out and say that it couldn't be done with a Digitrax, but it didn't sound like it could which is why article was praising TCS.

Also you say you have the yellow wire connected to the beacon, are you not using it for the tail light then?


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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2013, 06:07:26 PM »
I don't think you can get a Digitrax chip to have either headlight full brightness in one direction, then dim in the opposite direction unless they've changed something.

Ever since I have used Digtrax, there has been the capability that you describe as not available. That is about the last 10 years. I cannot vouch for before that.


I checked my locos. I have the front light bright when going forward (the normal direction of travel defines what is forward) and dim when going back. This is a setting of 104 (96+8) in CV49. I have the same function in reverse on the back end. This is a setting of 120 (112+8).

I've not done the strobe thing. I would think you would add 6 to 32 and get 38 to do that.


Erie Lackawanna N-Scale Modelling


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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2013, 06:33:42 PM »
So much for that advice I just gave :facepalm:. Half of your request is there - CV49 set to 104 will be bright in forward and dim when in reverse. The other half, the rear, I cannot get to work how you need. CV50 value 38 (32+6) works when in reverse but is off otherwise. I tried 86 (32+48+6) to no avail. Similar 6. All did the same thing. Strobe in reverse. Off otherwise. I tried 118 (112+6) and that didn't do it either.
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Re: Programming Digitrax for Constant Non-Directional Lighting effects
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2013, 10:00:19 PM »
Okay, set 61 to 3 with no noticeable results.
Followed Steve's advice, set CV49 to 104 and successfully got the headlight to do its thing.  Still struggling with keeping Mr. Beacon blinking in both directions.

Thanks, Steve, for a glass half full!  (To the bar for a fill up!)

Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon