Author Topic: Bachmann. 2-8-8-2 EM 1  (Read 1139 times)

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WVa. Paul

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Bachmann. 2-8-8-2 EM 1
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:12:28 PM »
 :)How many of you n-scalers can recall when the name Bachmann almost made you feel like running in the opposite direction as fast as you could?   Well let me tell you those days are over as their new EM1 steamer is without a doubt one of the very best locomotives on the n-scale market.   I just spent the afternoon with my friend Ira Gillispie giving this locomotive a real test.   We were able to pull 100 hoppers through a level layout that had four corners that were always filled with a portion of this consist.    This is a beautifully designed and detailed locomotive that I am sure will receive reviews that will attest to its superior construction.   The EM1 comes with the DCC already installed.    Had the couplers held up the locomotive could have pulled even more hoppers.  These hoppers were of the 90 ton variety.  Thanks for reading this note.  You will not be disappointed!  WVa. PaulCVNHBV


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Re: Bachmann. 2-8-8-2 EM 1
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 12:46:43 AM »
Mine arrived in sunny downtown Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia and was put straight to work on the clubs N scale layout for heaps of running over a three day display weekend.

Although not excessive length trains, the EM-1 hauled more then either of my Athearn loco's (Big Boy & Challenger) are capable of, it never missed a beat, the strong and silent type, boy it needs sound though!

Yes, I am an SP modeller, but this was (and is) too nice a loco to pass up.

Ted (Teditor) Freeman
Modelling (Mainly) SP up side down in the land down under.