Author Topic: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope  (Read 54710 times)

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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #315 on: February 26, 2018, 04:05:14 PM »
hey Joshua
wow! holy orthodox church!
i had to do a triple take
it is so close to the same orthodox church in my hometown
i thought for a moment you were there, rather than portage,-76.2297291,3a,75y,98.33h,94.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sss8n2s7osGz1a486c3Adaw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

except for the glass addition done recently
they are almost the same building!
great photos
thx for sharing


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #316 on: February 26, 2018, 05:14:28 PM »
People in central PA are very practical.  If you're going to charge more than 50 cents for something in a coffee shop, you better get more than 5 ounces of it!  No matter how bad it is!

But as they say, when in Rome, order Espresso.  When in Portage, get a Nehi.

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Lee Weldon


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #317 on: February 26, 2018, 07:56:19 PM »
hey Joshua
wow! holy orthodox church!
i had to do a triple take
it is so close to the same orthodox church in my hometown
i thought for a moment you were there, rather than portage,-76.2297291,3a,75y,98.33h,94.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sss8n2s7osGz1a486c3Adaw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

except for the glass addition done recently
they are almost the same building!
great photos
thx for sharing

Wow! That DOES look similar!

People in central PA are very practical.  If you're going to charge more than 50 cents for something in a coffee shop, you better get more than 5 ounces of it!  No matter how bad it is!

But as they say, when in Rome, order Espresso.  When in Portage, get a Nehi.


I'll go back just so I can witness the horrors of what they call a latte.

It's a half gallon of milk with a drop of coffee for color, and 14 pumps of diabeetus syrup.
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

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Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #318 on: January 17, 2019, 09:07:07 AM »
I'm replacing the feed mill with a scrap yard. Stager's Scrap Yard is still there today, but I looked in to how long it was there. My high school band director found this out for me:

Struck gold today. I spoke with Gary D. Stager, 81 years old, one of several sons of the Patriarch who started the scrap yard. The other son is Phil, 94 years old. The scrap yard was started well before WWII. Gary lived in the family house next to the tracks until it was torn down and the greater scrap yard emerged. No other business was located on that site.

So, that works for me. I love scrap yards and I can park old saggy gons there.
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #319 on: January 17, 2019, 10:43:49 AM »
I love scrap yards and I can park old saggy gons there.

Never Go Full Furlow.  :D


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Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #321 on: October 02, 2019, 09:44:27 PM »
Back from the dead.

It's been a while since I worked on anything that wasn't a streamlined K4. That project has been outsourced after it beat me in to submission.
I'm feeling a lot better now and feel like modeling again! Yay!
I wanted to get back in with something easy.
This is J/LEMO tower.

But for me, it's going to be NY tower. It's close enough that I can get away with it, and the things that are different didn't bother me enough (at all)to change them.

I think the weathering turned out okay. It's supposed to be an old tower, so I tried not to overdo it.

WOW it's interesting to see all the flaws that pop out when you look at a photo of it on a big screen.
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #322 on: October 03, 2019, 08:39:02 AM »
The flaws are minor and, I'll warrant, practically invisible at normal viewing distances. Nice work!

What did you use for weathering on the lower extremities? Is that just a wash, or something more creative?



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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #323 on: October 03, 2019, 09:00:41 AM »
Looks great Josh. No sense worrying about any flaws that only you will see. Remember what Plato said, "only the gods can create a perfect circle"
David B.
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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #324 on: October 03, 2019, 12:52:56 PM »
Looks great Josh. No sense worrying about any flaws that only you will see. Remember what Plato said, "only the gods can create a perfect circle"

From the draftsman:  "Plato never owned a compass."   :trollface: :D :D


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #325 on: October 04, 2019, 10:22:12 AM »
The flaws are minor and, I'll warrant, practically invisible at normal viewing distances. Nice work!

What did you use for weathering on the lower extremities? Is that just a wash, or something more creative?


I used blacks and browns of various concentrations. Basically, I squirt some black and brown on a palette, and dribble on some thinner. I load the brush with thinner then dab the brush in a color of paint and choose my own adventure from there.  I used some bragdon powders, too.

Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #326 on: October 04, 2019, 10:26:07 AM »
* Thread Drift *

I'm just catching up on this thread and regarding the cats, cat piss, litter boxes, may I suggest the Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box System.  It's a little pricey up front but worth every penny.  No odors whatsoever (so long as our cat covers up when he goes #2).  Pad is soaked when changed weekly but absolutely no smell.  No litter tracked all over the house.  Some pellets go astray but mostly because he throws it with paws while covering up.

@mu26aeh so as it turns out...I forgot about you recommended this. We moved in to our new house with the hardwood floors and litter was everywhere. We transitioned to the breeze litter and pads and it changed our lives.
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #327 on: October 04, 2019, 06:04:07 PM »
I changed to a dog.  Problem solved.
Rockin' It Old School

Lee Weldon


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #328 on: October 04, 2019, 06:24:34 PM »
@mu26aeh so as it turns out...I forgot about you recommended this. We moved in to our new house with the hardwood floors and litter was everywhere. We transitioned to the breeze litter and pads and it changed our lives.

Excellent to hear !   The only problem we have with ours is that the cat can be an a$$ sometimes, he will really get into burying his  business and those pellets go flying across the bathroom.  They're not quite as bad as stepping on a Lego brick, but they aren't comfortable at 2am during the nightly bathroom visit


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Re: Proto-lanced Pennsy: The West Slope
« Reply #329 on: October 04, 2019, 06:44:22 PM »
Excellent to hear !   The only problem we have with ours is that the cat can be an a$$ sometimes, he will really get into burying his  business and those pellets go flying across the bathroom.  They're not quite as bad as stepping on a Lego brick, but they aren't comfortable at 2am during the nightly bathroom visit

My son had been on daily Dustbuster duty!

I changed to a dog.  Problem solved.

You’re almost as bad as vegans.  How can you tell if someone's a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you!  ;) :D
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."