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Ummm, Bryan ol' buddy, ol' pal. Any chance you have extras of those doors laying around that you'd be interested in selling? I have 27 of the RC cars and really hate seeing the same doors when there are so many others out there. I just don't have the patience (or know how) to etch parts. Maybe that'l change in a few years, but who knows.
Awesome autorack and hi-cube boxcar! I would like IM to do the Southern scheme on those autoracks which the same style of lettering as the N&W, I think only Con-Cor had done that scheme.
I'm not sure, I'll have to check. I etched a bunch of different styles around the time I scratchbuilt the Santa Fe W&K enclosed tri-level a few years ago, for the exact reason you mentioned. By changing the doors and the occasional roof, it breaks up the uniformity of these extremely well-designed models.It would be easy enough to get more etched though. I still have the artwork.
Putting in some overtime at work and looking at the snow falling outside. (Yes.. . snow in May). Hopefully back to working on the layout soon.