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p.s. at one point, we were tossing the idea of the Old Main as a 1T theme... i thought that would be a good one.
. The photos were scanned to his computer where he scaled them then over-drew the photos mortar joint by mortar joint. After the drawings were complete, the walls were cut out on his laser. Results are that the model walls match stone for stone to the real thing.
Personally, I liked the pictures from the show .. I am especially fond of this one .. and never get tired of seeing it ... It really helps me Mellow out .. http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab66/cec209/HersheyNScale2011093.jpg
I am actually thinking about adding a structure fire to my layout one of these days, and having everything set up the "Ideal" way.
Hi Mike,Rather than depicting a scene of violence and destruction, how about a creating an area used for fire training? I had always dreamed about creating a layout based on the Selkirk Branch, and there's just a fire training facility just outside Guilderland, NY that would be perfect (and right next to the CSX ROW - Google Maps) - a three-story concrete and brick structure set ablaze every so often to keep the crews sharp. Cheers!Marc
The Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute's main training center is spitting distance from the CSX mainline, also home to MARC trains, in College Park MD.
And Baltimore City's training site is off of CSX on the east side on Pulaski Highway.I like the idea of the OML for a set of ONe trak modules... It's really a natural, since you split off there at St. Denis, then come back in at Point of Rocks... There's some neat vignettes along the way, too, such as the underpass at I70, and the tunnel under East New Market.Lee
Don't forget Ilchester with its tunnel and bridge combo. And, if you want to do it up nicely, an OML module could show sections of the former right-of-way and even some of the original stone stringers that are still in place in a few spots.
Personally, I like the scene. Structure fires are always intresting on modules and layouts, because you don't see well done ones very often. But the former Fire fighter in me sees this and pulls my hair out, it isn't even close to how things would really be. A handfull of things that are wrong, too many Big sticks, no fire department, or surrounding communitys have that many avaible to them, they are too close to the building, the hap hazard way they are parked, their is a lot, and I could go on and on about it.I am actually thinking about adding a structure fire to my layout one of these days, and having everything set up the "Ideal" way.wow, I am "that guy" now huh? LOL