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Not sure I quite get what's starting, but I feel like the upper level is a little short on work for the local.
I think I missed the story line where the western leg is the former SN. What a concept though: the stalwart of the east joins with the Podunk of the west. How about going for complete symmetry: model the SN branch into Pittsburg CA. The Transcon PRR joins Pittsburgh and Pittsburg, steelmakers east and west, with a steel connection.
Sometimes it is ok to have some jobs that are simpler than others... those jobs can be assigned to newer, inexperienced crews, while others tricks can be given to crews more familiar with the pike.in my limited experience, it has been very good to have a job or two for learning purposes.also, you can add an industy there in the future if you need it...my 2 centsEP
A couple questions, do you have a complete trackplan somewhere? I tried looking through the older posts and your website but didnt see any. Also, on your website (which looks very professional) your system map has a blue line running through Illinois, what is that representing for you? My CN line is going to be set in the same general area.
So, question. In the next expansion east, the mainline is going to swing out to make room for the loop around the end of the peninsula. This leaves a pretty big void in the scenery (as a reminder, the grid is 24"):This area begs for an industry of some kind. It will be set in the San Francisco Bay Area. Any though
Eric, are you entirely sold on location of the ore ship and industry in the California section? I'd be tempted to put the industries against the backdrop, and pull the ship loading scene between them and the mainline. It would also allow you to add some type of bridge scene to facilitate the ships entering and leaving, as well as some potential causeway/low wood trestle running. To play devil's advocate, a potential downside is having the boat squished into the scene, though, If you were to push the industry backwards, you could probably shave off a good deal of it, which takes up a lot of space to begin with.