Hey everyone,
Sorry I have not been around lately, been really busy at the day job and some major things on the home front. Anyway, last September I was commissioned to create a 6-Track Train Shed. A nice thread ensued here during the design phase. Unfortunately, the customer lost his job and I never went to metal although I did finish the artwork. I still make a prototype for the NTS anyway. Would be a good show piece.
Well, I have been eying the artwork as I really did like the shed. I just don't think 6-Tracks is marketable. So, I scaled it down to 4-Tracks and did a test shot on some open space I had on the Bethlehem Flat Deck sheet. I also did some single platform shelters from the PRR Market Street Station which I will add on to this post later.
Here are some pics of the 4-Track test that I built up. The metal is .016 with two pieces laminated together to simulate the riveted L-Girders. So ... let the fur fly.