ok, so I busted out my 2-8-2T based on the 0-8-0 mech the other day to try to get it running again, good and bad news.
good news: Got it running again, sans decoder, and it was running better than before
Bad News: the valve gear on the left side of the locomotive gave up, the crosshead guides broke, and some other parts are just not working right. it is all super glued together now, and it dose work, but it looks like poo. Walthers don't have any parts (of course) and they have no plans to get more parts untill the next run, and the guy I talked with in parts said he wasn't sure if there was even going to be another run. (witch wouldn't make any since if you ask me.) so I need some parts, it would be nice to get an entire mech, workign or not for parts, and just rob componantes as needed. but at a min. I need valve gear, prefered left and right. so if you got one in your parts box, that you want to part with, Let me know please!!
TLDR(too long didn't read) I broke my 0-8-0, I need parts.