Author Topic: Harrisburg Line plan feedback  (Read 1638 times)

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Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:30:59 PM »
Hey everyone, I've seen the feedback given on this board for people's plans and I tepidly submit mine for review. My chosen prototype is Conrail in 1996, specifically it's Harrisburg line from Harrisburg east through Lebanon and possible a little beyond as space dictates. I'm looking at multi-deck as I'm limiting myself to half my basement at this time. Anyways, here is the plan itself: for the larger version at Picasa

A writeup on the plan, the line, etc., can be seen at. Essentially, I've waffled between an E shaped ang a G shaped layout. I think I've settled on an E shaped one as that gives me the longest tangents and the turnbacks aren't too bad. Minimum radius on this plan is 18" in the turnback loops and Helix, 20" elsewhere on the main line, and 16.25" sections in a couple of the industries. Thanks,

« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 11:18:22 PM by conrail98 »
- Phil


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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2009, 11:10:06 PM »
too much parallel to the wall.  get some flow in there.  the railroad ain't dead straight.  otherwise, looks good.  you planning on modeling the big gravel loadout near Annville?
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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 02:04:30 AM »
Agreed.  Put some gentle wiggles in those straight runs.  Otherwise, nicely done.
Bryan Busséy
NHRHTA #2246
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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2009, 08:21:46 AM »
Great plan.  I especially like the yard.  Looks like you have all the essential elements like A/D tracks, yard leads, drill track, etc.  Should be a lot of fun to operate.



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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 09:58:07 AM »
too much parallel to the wall.  get some flow in there.  the railroad ain't dead straight.  otherwise, looks good.  you planning on modeling the big gravel loadout near Annville?

The Annville Plant would be a nice addition.


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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2009, 10:23:22 AM »
First, thanks guys for the feedback. On the straights, I was thinking domino like construction and I've read that main lines that are straight make interchangeability/moving easier. That being said, looking at the plan again, I was thinking of angling from the blob to about halfway down on the one side of the peninsula and trying to get the S curve around CP Tara on the other side, but It'd probably look more like a V than an S.

Millard quarry will be on the 2nd level, most likely against the bottom wall, at the left. For that I had planned the siding for pickups/drop-offs, 2/3 sorting tracks, a spur off to the backdrop to represent the complex, and, space permitting, the loader near the mainline as it was put in around 1993/1994. The LDEs I have for the 2nd Level are:

- Palmyra/Quarry/Annville
- Cleona/Lebanon/Avon
- Myerstown/Richland
- Visible Staging

I figure the Myerstown/Richland one will be the really scenic LDE through the farmlands. Thanks,

- Phil


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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2009, 03:19:22 PM »
My layout is also "domino" .. in that it is mainly built out of 2x4 or 1x4 sections .. but, the long runs are not squared against the fascia .. I vary the location of the track .. unless you plan on moving this all the time, don't worry about "interchanging" sections .. they should be all bolted together ..


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Re: Harrisburg Line plan feedback
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2009, 09:56:12 PM »
John, I don't plan on moving any time soon, the house we bought is the one we want to stay in for a long time. Now, if I am given space elsewhere or do the excavation work I'd love to do, parts of the layout might be moved. I gave some wiggle to the front, although I might angle it more. I did put the S curve in around CP Tara. It looks okay, but it might be one of those build the crossovers and place it around on the shelf with flex track attached to see what I can come up, i.e., a build-time decision. I will do some sort of large radius curving between the two Hershey plants, just drawing it in XtrkCad sucks, again, build-time adjustments. Anyways, here's an updated plan:

Larger File:

Tomorrow (or tonight if these CFB games get any more lopsided) I'll tackle the 2nd level,

- Phil