Soon after I received my EXR cars, I noticed the trucks don't swivel from side to side very well so I got a chance to take a look today. (This will be failry mundane for most, but it's the first bit of train work I've been able to do this year).
Sorry these are all 'after' pictures'......
First of all, the cars look great and are a nice addition to N scale even if the details are not up to what we currently expect. The first thing that has to go is the wheelsets. This car is a lame duck going down the rails. I didn't have any 36" FVM wheels so I just put some MT's for now. I also got rid of the trip pin.
Next I addressed the truck mounted coupler. The top of the coupler box was rubbing on the underside of the body so I sanded it smooth.
Then I had to trim the 'ears' of the accumate coupler springs because they hit on some of the end detail.
That's all for the truck, onto the the body.
First look for any rough spots where the coupler pocket swings near the end seam.
And finally, trim back some of the body on the backside of the end detail where the coupler needs clearance (where they gray is showing). This was probably the biggest thing impacting the motion.
I haven't heard much complaining about these cars except for the wobbly wheels. I wonder if I just got a bad one.