Having installed the ESU digital light strip, I’m nearing the end of this build.
Here’s a pic showing the rear marker lamps illuminated. By putting the coach in consist with the locomotive, these lamps come on whenever the loco headlight is on. It’s too bad that my iPad camera doesn’t do a better job of capturing the distinct red and green lenses - the effect is much nicer to the naked eye:
Next, here’s the two floodlights/spotlights lit up. These are just toggled on & off via F6:
Finally, here’s a photo showing the interior coach lighting:
Note that the interior lights are arranged in three individually controllable banks. F3 illuminates 3 led’s in the tiered seating area, F4 lights up two more in the mid section, and F5 toggles a single led in the front end of the coach (which gives the impression that a washroom light, say, has been turned on). Alternatively, F2 toggles all three banks on and off simultaneously. Playing around with the three arrangements is more fun and interesting than I thought it would be.
The strip decoder has numerous special effects to choose from, such as gradual glow-up to simulate a generator coming on, slow dimming on shutdown, and various incandescent and fluorescent effects. I thought it rather funny that several options incorporate various flickering patterns … modelers go to great lengths with capacitors and whatnot to eliminate coach lamp flickering, and here we are, able to add it right back in with a bit of programming!
On that note, I have to say that I’m very impressed that my model has absolutely no flicker whatsoever. The light strip includes a small amount of capacitance, and there are two sets of solder pads should someone wish to add either an ESU powerkeeper or an additional capacitor, but in my case neither one is needed.
I’ll try to put together a short video clip to better demonstrate the lighting features.