Author Topic: Throttle Chest Harness....  (Read 285 times)

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Throttle Chest Harness....
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:28:49 PM »
Want to go 'hands free' part of the time and no place to put your throttle? I picked up a Pellking phone chest harness ( HERE ) for $17 and so far after a short test run think that I'll be using it some of the time if I can ever get the main layout up and running. There are also less expensive ones but liked all the orientation options for this one.

I'm 6 foot and 175 and if I was any larger in the upper body would look for one with more strap adjustment than this one has. I have all of the adjustments out to make it as large as possible and it is fine but wouldn't be if I was larger.

…. one can orientate in ….

…. a number of different positions. I'm showing it with my WiTcontroller WiFi throttle that you can build for about $50. More info on it ( HERE ) .

I didn't show it but it will also pivot out at an angle from your body. If it was facing you, as shown above, one can tilt it out and be able to see the display. With the encoder and the button switches on this throttle you can operated it for most situations by feel (Horn, bell, lights, direction, track power and emergency stop are all controlled by the button switches.

The throttle feels very secure in the mount and of course the mount could easily be used with a phone throttle as it is designed specifically for holding a phone. I'll use my phone as a camera in the future to shoot some YouTube videos with it. For about $8 more you can get a similar chest mount along with a mount for the top of your head and also for strapping on your wrist.

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