Author Topic: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?  (Read 809 times)

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N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:37:32 AM »
My 2x4 layout is stalled. I have terrain built from 1" Lowe's foam, a track plan and have watched WAY too many YouTube videos. My to-do list is pretty long - I have bridges to make and fit, electricity to run, terrain to finish and detail blah blah blah. I just wanna run some trains.

I'm new to tackling such a project and learning along the way. Would one of you wise folks help with organizing and prioritizing the punch list? I think getting track laid and energized is pretty high on the list, but the bridges and gluing down track and volts? What's anybody thinking about an order of operations?

I'm apparently not able to post pics, but I think it's coming along for a N00B.



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Re: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2024, 08:12:57 AM »
Building a layout is a multi-year (unless you are @Chris333 is days  :D) so don't rush things and have a clear vison to strive toward.

Things to consider in no apparent order.

1: Plan everything for every step, i.e. track laying, structure and road placement, temporary bridges so you can run trains, DC or DCC?, turnout control methods, etc.
2: Focus on learning quality track laying.  Make a diorama to practice on, include a switch, etc. DOING is better than WATCHING
3: Learn to solder and buy the right tools to do it.
4: Practice scenery concepts on foam scraps before doing it on your layout
5: Focus on the steps separately- Have a vision to follow, but work and think in steps
6: spend time looking at the progress of layouts here.  you will see others work and how they accomplished their goals and processes
7: be flexible to allow alterations to your original plans
8: Choose your scenic products, ballast, ground cover, trees, paints, etc.
9: Give your layout an identity and a vision or purpose, and consider creating a layout thread in the link above where you can share your trials and successes and gain valuable advice from experienced, and some famous creators (myself excluded).

Possible steps, I say possible because they can be in different order for different reasons, see 1 above.

A: build benchwork
B: transfer track plan to benchwork
C: terraform- thinking in 3D can sometimes alter your original plan. See 7 above
D: paint the foam in earth tones for your desired area, plan for structures and roads
E: lay track and fully wire, including fake bridges/trestles that will be replaced with your real ones, use a reliable method, see 1 above
F: Paint track, taping off turnouts to protect them
G: ground covers, i.e. dirt
H1: ballast track
H2: scenic ground cover grass, etc.
H3: Add roads; styrene for concrete, gravel for gravel roads, dirt for dirt roads, etc.
J: Lighting, circuits, products, etc.? See 1 above

Face this as well you may have to alter step order and application methods, see 7 above

Have fun!  For so many years my layout was stagnant for fear of doing something wrong or in the wrong order.  I literally forced myself to dive in and learn that it is NEVER complete, and that just doing little things a bit at a time get you there.  My layout is such that I cannot really run trains (no loops, lots of switching) until it the layout is fully complete so there is always something preventing me from running.

ABOVE ALL, JFRTM (the creator of that acronym can explain if you don't already know). 

Just my two pennies and I'm sure others will chime in.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 08:14:45 AM by Lemosteam »


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Re: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2024, 08:23:51 AM »
Once you get going the layout will come together in your minds eye. Of course I would still suggest starting with electric and wiring and follow with run the crap out the layout because tracking down running issues is a lot easier without bumping scenery.
If its a bridge like a simple ballasted girder. I just go with laying the track then laminating girder sides at a later date as that's much easier. A truss or anything more complex I will do a the basic terrain shaping, painting, foliage, under the bridge first then install it. But if its straight and your confident in track joining skills you can also cut a few ties off the track on both ends to allow easy sliding of joiners that would let you take the bridge on and off at any time with the only fuss being sliding the joiners back when you want to work and making a few flush ties to slide under once your happy to have it installed permanently.

I usually then look at the space available and start mapping out how large structures will fit and what density I'm looking for. I'm a bit of a nut and will make a rogue's gallery of buildings that fit the space and then decide what I like and don't like from a composition stand point. Nothing fancy is really needed on a first layout. Once I have a set I like I make a paper road template.  by taping a few pieces of printer paper together that I can later cut with scissors and either laminate to styrene if making styrene roads or the layout itself if going for some plaster product. From there it just kinda clicks. Spots you want some human activity you can fill with small structures and details. Negative space makes their way to fields and trees. And you can then go on to add details to taste.

Pushing through on a 2x4 layout and not getting too hung up on making a magnum opus both I feel important for teaching the skills practically and giving confidence to work on more ambitious projects.

chuck geiger

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Re: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024, 10:09:31 AM »
Farmer, I built a 2x4 featured on the back pages of RW that turned out to be a gem and one of my favorite all-time layouts.

Chuck Geiger


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Re: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2024, 03:03:47 PM »
I'm building MRROne from Jimmy at DIY and Digital Railroad, I've got track down, rough terrain and am finishing up my DCC-EX installation,

- Phil


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Re: N Scale 2x4 layout, next steps?
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2024, 04:15:14 AM »
So much good advice, thank you lads!

Just frickin run trains, man!

Thanks again, a lot to digest.