The only Kato PRR corrugated sets I know of were based on CB&Q prototypes (but distinct from the later released California Zephyr sets), and done in a variety of paint schemes. In general, they are often not bad stand ins for early Budd cars.
That said, IIRC, PRR interchanged sleepers with the CB&Q California Zephyr, and purchased a few sleepers that are very similar or identical to the Kato corrugated 10-6 from those early sets. I also recall seeing a fairly convincing (but I am not saying accurate to prototype) model of an early South Wind consist, perhaps 20 years ago, that utilized the Kato coaches from those sets.
More info and photos- also more info on Trovestar.
Diagrams for all things Pennsy so you can compare model to prototype and decide what is "close enough"- (note, it is "http", not "https" - so your browser may suffer a hiccup.