Author Topic: DIGITRAX DT602 TRHOTTLE  (Read 12411 times)

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« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2020, 04:19:00 PM »
Some of the Washington DC TV stations have started using "DMV' for "District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia", but really only the suburbs of DC plus DC itself.  I grew up in what they are now calling "the DMV" and always heard it called "the DC area".  In the DC area, the DMV was the Department of Motor Vehicles.  Nowdays, I try not to go to either one - and I live in "Delmarva", not at the DMV (by any definition) thank God!


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    • Delaware & Hudson Champlain Division
« Reply #106 on: January 03, 2021, 05:24:44 AM »
For those that have purchased a DT602 series throttle. - WARNING...

When installing batteries into the battery compartment of the throttle ALWAYS place the positive end of the battery in FIRST then the negative end.
I found out the hard way (a friends throttle) on a first release throttle that, if you plug in the battery on the left side of the compartment, negative end first, then it is possible for the nipple on the positive end of the battery to catch on the metal contact. If if does, then by pushing in the battery it can dislodge the contact and push it onto the circuit board below the battery compartment and cause a short. This in turn lets the magic smoke out and the throttle then is toast and needs a holiday back to Digitrax.
I have a later release of the DT602 throttle. I opened my throttle and found that Digitrax have placed thick tape over the back of the contact so that if it does become dislodged then it will not come in contact with the circuit board.

The throttle with the added tape has a August Firmware. If you open the batter compartment, look at the lower left contact and you can just see the white tape (if it has the factory modification). Make sure that the contact is the same size as the other contacts as it may have slipped down into the throttle.
Brendan Dennis
N scale - Delaware & Hudson Champlain Division


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« Reply #107 on: April 19, 2021, 08:48:48 PM »
 DT602D & UT6D undocumented feature.  The documentation does not include the fact the 602 power button is sensitive from side to side. Example if you touch the right hand side of the 602 the "chg on" or "power off" (B) is available. On the UT6 power button it's the top and bottom. 

GM50 4164

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« Reply #108 on: April 20, 2021, 08:39:02 PM »
DT602D & UT6D undocumented feature.  The documentation does not include the fact the 602 power button is sensitive from side to side. Example if you touch the right hand side of the 602 the "chg on" or "power off" (B) is available. On the UT6 power button it's the top and bottom.

Thank you for posting this. I had figured it out but it sure took some head scratching. Also the consisting of the engines is a little misleading but I believe I've got it now. I don't have a UT6 yet but may sometime later this year.

Benjamin H