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Well, after drying overnight after an Acetone bath, I see that not ALL the lacquer was removed. The truck sideframes are fine, as is the shell, but the frame has a lot of (now discolored) lacquer still left. Maybe it had a heavier coat? Gonna try again with Acetone and see what happens.
...I think another one is called "Aircraft psint Remover".
Looks similar enough to be helpful, thank you @peteski . So it seems that only 4 wheels pick up current on this little beast (2 on each side). It's odd that the other 4 wheels have these little springs but they aren't connected to anything. I wonder if I can enhance that with some flexible wire....
Are you sure? Brass models often use the metal chassis for conducting electricity. So if the wipers are uninsulated, they woudl pass the current to the motor through the metal trucks, and the underframe.Going back to paint stripping, I'm curious about the Kleen Strip solution you used. I wander if it is a water-based (less potent) stripping solution than the ones I mentioned?
Actually looking again at the parts in your photo it appears that at least the truck on the top of the photo has insulated kingpin, so its metal frame does not contact the metal chassis.
In fact, both trucks have insulated kingpins. So the real mystery is why did two of the pickup springs not have any wires to the brushes? I got this model new back in the 1980s. The mechanism it is very similar to your example - built by Samhongsa.
It has been few years since I serviced that brass switcher for Cody, so I don't remember the details. As for explanation, I have none. Well, maybe the assembler just screwed up? EDIT: I just jogged my memory. Just so we are on the same page. Only one side pickup on each truck will have wire. The other pickup is connected to the truck's metal gearbox, and to the insulated kingpin. The other wire will be attached to the kingpin. The loco's metal underframe is electrically neutral. And since the trucks are directional, each side will have pickup via direct wire to insulated pickup strip on one truck, and kingpin on the other truck (and reverse is true on the other side).