Author Topic: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new  (Read 1609 times)

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Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« on: December 03, 2017, 03:37:08 AM »
As stated, I have available (for the price of mail from my brother) an old style Atlas board #DN147A which is discontinued, replaced by the DN163A0.  Looking at the board it is obviously updated and the old style never listed the Atlas RS-11 (DCC ready version) as a fit.  That may just be that the later RS-11 wasn't made when that decoder was discontinued but it's also what has brought on the question. 

The questions are a couple.  First, is the performance acceptable (like BEMF) on the DN147A if it's just to be used for basic operation and not needing the additional functions available on the later?  And second, if the performance is acceptable, could it be considered interchangeable with the later units that use the DN163A0 if the basic operation is all that's required?  I ask because he said he may have a few and I have an old shopping list that says I need four of these but only one more RS-11 (two already with DCC) so there must be some other models still in boxes that need decoders.
Mark G.


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Re: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2017, 06:00:15 AM »
The questions are a couple.  First, is the performance acceptable (like BEMF) on the DN147A if it's just to be used for basic operation and not needing the additional functions available on the later?  And second, if the performance is acceptable, could it be considered interchangeable with the later units that use the DN163A0 if the basic operation is all that's required?  I ask because he said he may have a few and I have an old shopping list that says I need four of these but only one more RS-11 (two already with DCC) so there must be some other models still in boxes that need decoders.

Here is the spec sheet ..

These boards were made for the SD50/60 .. not sure they fit in to the RS-11


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Re: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2017, 01:45:03 PM »
Thanks, John. :)

So if I'm reading that sheet correctly it does not have BEMF compensation, is not reversible, and not resettable to factory defaults.  If that's true I'm not sure that even free is really worth it when the basic decoders aren't all that expensive. :|

BTW, my knowledge of DCC is basically what I've been able to read, limited programming of functions like address, lights, direction, momentum, consisting, and the like as well as hardwiring a few installation on my small test chassis (one Digitrax DZ126 and a couple of small CT's).  Following directions I've had no real problems and adjustments followed a logical more than/ less than pattern as would be expected. 

I've had one "repair" to perform, an Atlas with factory decoder that had the pickup issues with the tabs but that was easily diagnosed and fixed.  Beyond that, experience like which features are or aren't included or which brands perform better than others, I don't have the experience to really have a legitimate opinion but enough reading knowledge to recognize that maybe it matters. ;)  My experiences this far have all been pretty good so in many ways I'm in that stage where I don't know what I don't know. :)

Although... I do have a few newer Bachmann switchers that are a little flaky in performance (speed control/ consistency especially) but haven't really tried to do anything with those.  They seem to follow the types of issues reported by others, described as pretty hopeless. :facepalm:  Sidetrack:  Without doing due diligence, is that problem the result of an absence of BEMF control or a poor response if it is included?   And with that said, I also have a couple of Bachmann steam with factory decoders like the EM-1, that performs flawlessly.  :|  Go figure. ;)
Mark G.


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Re: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2017, 06:27:53 PM »
I'm not sure that BEMF is all that important .. if the decoders are free, grab them .. you will let the smoke out of a few as you go along .. might as well be free ones :)

I recommend you look into using a program like JMRI and an old laptop to do your programming. you will need an interface though 


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Re: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2017, 11:20:22 PM »
I'm not sure that BEMF is all that important .. if the decoders are free, grab them .. you will let the smoke out of a few as you go along .. might as well be free ones :)

I recommend you look into using a program like JMRI and an old laptop to do your programming. you will need an interface though

Thanks, John.  I think something for that was included with my purchase of the Seaboard 2.0 from Dave. 8)  Not sure.  It also means there's more stuff to learn that I never wanted to know. ;)
Mark G.


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Re: Quick Digitrax question, old style board vs: new
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2017, 11:57:19 PM »
Even the early Digitrax decoders like the 147 are better than any of the "basic" Bachmann non-sound decoders.  IMO, BEMF is a desired feature.
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