Author Topic: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses  (Read 1024 times)

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Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:15:28 AM »
One of my modeling interests is the Interstate RR in n scale. I am looking for more information on their cabooses. I need a total of three for my small layout that I am building based off of the Interstate. I am looking specifically for information on caboose #9 and #17. I have the book Appalachian Coal Haulers and am aware that there are two other books about the Interstate. I am not sure if the information I need is in them and have no problem buying them if it is. I am also aware of this site and there is a good picture of one side of caboose 17 on this page:

I would like to build two more cabooses. I built #16 which is an N&W caboose. I have a standin for one but it is not correct. I also know that Caboose #20 and 21 were bought from Lackawanna. The Keyser caboose looks very close but the Interstate must be an older or different version of that cab. The later version of the kit may be a bit easier to kitbash if it is a wood side but I doubt it is.

Caboose #9 was supposed to have been built from a boxcar but I have not seen any pictures. I have seen a picture of only one side of caboose #17 but I am not sure of its' heritage but looks as if it could be kit bashed from a micro trains caboose.


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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 04:21:11 AM »
I don't know much about the Interstate (but I do have that book).

For the wooden caboose I'd look into getting them laser cut. If you did the AMB N&W caboose then you know how it would go. Skipgear did some B&O wood cabooses that look close. You could also bash a MTL wood caboose.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 04:27:08 AM by Chris333 »


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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 08:00:38 PM »
@SkipGear  How'd you do your wood caboosen?
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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 10:32:08 PM »
He used one of craft cutters on styrene.


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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2016, 01:11:34 AM »
@SkipGear  How'd you do your wood caboosen?

it was done with my vinyl cutter. It doesn't have enough head pressure to cut all the way through. The cuter scores it and use an xacto to finish the job. In many cases I just fold and break the parts out. The hardest part was designing it. Building it was actually not bad.

Tony Hines


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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2016, 06:36:07 PM »
it was done with my vinyl cutter. It doesn't have enough head pressure to cut all the way through. The cuter scores it and use an xacto to finish the job. In many cases I just fold and break the parts out. The hardest part was designing it. Building it was actually not bad.

You've got my attention.  I need to do me a few cabooses for several roads (SAL, NS, Piedmont and Northern).  Did you use your cutter to scribe the board lines?
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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2016, 01:59:16 AM »
You've got my attention.  I need to do me a few cabooses for several roads (SAL, NS, Piedmont and Northern).  Did you use your cutter to scribe the board lines?

Yes, the cutter did everything, boards and seams on the roof also.

Tony Hines


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Re: Looking for information on Interstate RR Cabooses
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2016, 04:41:34 AM »
The other night I was poking around on American Model Builders website. I happened to go to the HO section and took a look through their caboose kits. I stopped and looked at their Lehigh Valley Caboose kit and thought it looked familiar. After some headscratching I pulled up the Interstate page and compared the two. What luck, the Lehigh Valley Caboose is a match for caboose #17. I emailed them to see if they were going to do it in n scale and they're not but they are considering doing the NYC caboose and are considering the ACL. They also said they wish more n scalers would contact them about products. I guess if enough people flood their email they may do the NYC Caboose.