Author Topic: Speed Matching Question with Digitrax decoders  (Read 1055 times)

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Speed Matching Question with Digitrax decoders
« on: September 15, 2015, 06:54:49 PM »
Although not relatively new, but still learning the N scale side with decoders as I standardized my HO fleet with Soundtraxx mobile decoders and Tsunami decoders because they virtually identical in speed with programming and in consisting so that's all I'm used to.

So my question is that I'm debating about getting a couple of the Aztec frames for the Kato F7s for sound for my two A units and maybe my middle B unit. Currently the B's are equipped with Digitrax DN163K0B decoders. If I install Digitrax SDN144K0A decoders in the A's, how close are they speed "matched out of the box" with the non-sound decoders?

I also intend to unsolder the OEM light and wire a headlight to the door light, and also install a gyralight in the upper housing area. Is this possible? I'm guessing I could map the rear headlight to be on when running forward and use it for gyralight effect, but also have thought about doing a red emergency light in the top housing as well. Is any of it possible or an easier way of going about this? I only intend to most likely do it in one A unit.

This is the soundfile I was going to most likely use unless someone has a better one out there I haven't found.


« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 07:25:45 PM by EspeeGoldenState »
Attempting to model a modern Southern Pacific based in 2015/2016...

Also, I have a passenger train addiction...