Author Topic: Code 55 Atlas  (Read 3144 times)

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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2013, 06:46:46 AM »
Here is a perfect opportunity to hold off on track laying and instead weather or tune-up the rolling stock. Or scenic some offline areas, or build or weather some structures.  :trollface:

Or order that Quadra-Copter and try out a new hobby....    :-X


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2013, 02:01:47 AM »
Bob:  Thank you!  No, mine is all old stock, and I mean OLD.  The last pieces I bought were in the back room of a hobby shop and still had Railcraft tape around the bundle.  That was in 2009.
N Kalanaga
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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2013, 03:13:51 AM »
Bob:  Thank you!  No, mine is all old stock, and I mean OLD.  The last pieces I bought were in the back room of a hobby shop and still had Railcraft tape around the bundle.  That was in 2009.

Wow...that's quite the find.  I have half a dozen bundles of the old Railcraft code 40 too, and I have a bunch of Railcraft code 55.  When I was laying my Echo Modules way back when, I had to make 'em compatible for the other club members' pizza cutters, so the code 40 flex was a no-no. I hand-laid all my code 40 trackage, which has no spikeheads and runs whatever flanges you can fit between the railheads just fine.

If you ever want to sell your Railcraft code 40 me!!


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2013, 12:55:30 PM »
There was a table at Timonium last weekend that had a bundle of it for sale.


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2013, 01:06:13 PM »
I swear that every Timonium show that I don't go to is when all he good deals are there...
-Cody F.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
Fighting to reclaim shreds of the past.


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2013, 09:26:04 PM »
I plan to expand the Juniata Division soon, and I would prefer to do it with Atlas code 55.  If the time comes and I'm ready to go with no Atlas 55, well then..  I'll have to go another route.

Well if you already had Atlas Code 55 and want to continue with it let me know.

I have ~7 pieces of unused flex here, along with some #5, #7 and even a #10 turnout or two laying around on a 'test' board of foam. Might even be a couple of pieces of flex on that as well. I'd have to dig it out from behind the headboard to find out.  :ashat:

My "layout" has been going no where fast the last 3 years and after the detached retina bit earlier in the year, I fear I may have to abandon N scale anyway long term.  :(

Maybe I can still see "G" scale well enough to try that.  :trollface: :RUEffinKiddingMe:


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2013, 10:40:20 PM »
I plan to expand the Juniata Division soon, and I would prefer to do it with Atlas code 55.  If the time comes and I'm ready to go with no Atlas 55, well then..  I'll have to go another route.

Go halfsies on FT jigs with me!
I'm only half kidding.
Josh Surkosky

Here's a Clerihew about Ed. K.

Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
But mention his law
and you've pulled your last straw!

Alternate version:
Ed Kapucinski
Every night, he plants a new tree.
He asks excitedly "Did you say Ménage à Trois?"
No, I said "Ed's Law."


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Re: Code 55 Atlas
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2013, 01:41:22 AM »
Bob:  Sorry, but mine is stockpiled "just in case".  I had to relay three sections a few years ago, due to the layout "settling", and want to make sure I have some for the future.

The "settling" only affected the MILW track, which isn't a big deal, as it goes nowhere, basically "operating scenery".  The odd thing is that while diesels still ran fine, I couldn't keep any of my Kato electrics on the track.  Weird...
N Kalanaga
Be well