Man, I am stumped. This is a hail Mary pass to see what happens.
There is a standard Kumata screw (brass locos for Hallmark, Oriental, NJ Brass, etc.
It is the screw that holds the gearboxes and the shell. It is a pretty standard size.
I'm doing a specialized project and need to tap a hole for those screws- but I have no idea what I need.
As best as I can tell, the outside thread diameter is .053 inches which = 1.346 mm.
I have no idea what the thread pitch is or what I need to tap these.
Maybe someone with a LOT of specialized tools and a Kumata brass loco could help.
And for the record, 00-90 is just a tiny bit too little and 00-80 is too big. Besides, KMT is in Japan- thus I assume these are metric.