Author Topic: Show Your Layout During PSR 2012 Convention (So. Calif.)  (Read 989 times)

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Show Your Layout During PSR 2012 Convention (So. Calif.)
« on: April 20, 2012, 03:52:48 PM »
In September the Pacific Southwest Region/NMRA will hold its annual model railroad convention in Oxnard, CA.  Layout tours will take place on Wednesday, September 5, through Sunday, September 9. Tours will take place in area from Santa Barbara down through northwest Los Angeles County.

If you have an operating layout we would like you to consider showing your railroad during the convention.

You do not have to commit to a specific day(s) at this time.  And you do not need to be an NMRA member to show your layout or participate in the convention.

Participating in a layout tour is a great way to share your work and meet your fellow model railroaders.  You’ve probably worked hard on your layout so you might as well receive recognition from people who will truly appreciate your efforts.

All you need to do is operate your trains and chat with visitors.  We will do all the necessary planning and publicity.

If you have any questions before committing to the tour, please ask.  In any event, please let me know ( ) in the next few weeks if you are interested as I am starting to arrange the tour line-up.

I hope you’ll join with other area layout owners and show your layout to your fellow model railroaders.

Thank you.

Bob Chaparro
Layout Tour Chairman
PSR 2012 Convention