Author Topic: Introducing ALPHABETROUTE.COM  (Read 1358 times)

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    • Middle Division Musings
« on: May 19, 2008, 09:49:47 AM »
As the operator of the widely popular Pennsylvania Railroad web site, Keystone Crossings (, my own modeling needs found me looking for accurate modeling information for the historically local interchange railroads and found online sources to be lacking.

To that end, I discussed the prospect of establishing a similar site for the Alphabet Route with a local WM / RDG modeler, Jeff Warner. Jeff not only liked the idea, but volunteered to take on the head webmaster duties as well.

For the past year Jeff, with the help of a staff of topic specialists, has developed the initial site. It has been publicly available since the spring of 2007, but it is only now that we are "advertising" it.

So please pass the word that the curtain is unveiled on this new site, located at . Please feel free to repost this message to other mailing lists and forums as appropriate.

Jeff has done a superb job in getting the site to this point. It is now up to you, the users, to visit the site and make it a success. Thank you!
Jerry Britton, PRRT&HS #6111
PRR Middle Division in HO Scale -
Keystone Crossings -