Kind of an unusual show this time...
They only used the center and south halls this time; they didn't have enough interest from dealers to rent the north hall. Several prominent dealers were missing, including Greenway Products and Scenic Express. BANTRAK and the O-Scale High-railers were set-up in the center hall, and there were a bunch of layouts in the south hall which is normally almost 100% dealers (they took up almost 1/2 the floor space).
So this show was really light on dealers. I was only there on Saturday this time (wedding to go to on Sunday) and the crowd seemed very light. It was supposed to rain most of the day Saturday; instead we got a sunny day in the mid-70's, which I'm sure hurt the crowd. Based on some comments I heard, I think things were really slow for most dealers.
My purchases were extremely limited this show, because in the rush to get all my Ntrak stuff together and get out of the house Saturday AM I forgot my train money, so I was limited to what cash I had in my wallet.
BANTRAK of course had a great layout (of course I'm a bit bias on that point), and I managed to actually run a 7 engine (4 point & 3 mid-train) - 188 car coal train around it. ;D
Tim Nixon