Well, I've had a bit of a MoPac bug lately. I decided I'd paint and super detail a Missouri Pacific SD40 or SD40-2 in the rare "Double Eagle" scheme. Of the 300 or so SD40s and SD40-2s, only a handful wore this scheme. It was essentially the early Screaming Eagle scheme with the newer Buzz Saw/ Small Eagle decal placed on the cab side.
My original plan was to do a hack job on a Kato SD40 to remove the dynamic brakes. I was able to get my hands on an early non-dynamic brake Kato SD40-2 though. I haven't super detailed a locomotive before, aside from adding GMM windshield wipers to the FT set I painted. I made a list last night of all the details I'll need, mostly BLMA. This project should be fun! I'm building the loco for display since it doesn’t fit in a D&RGW mid-'50s environment, but it'll have a decoder for occasional laps around the layout.
Here's a photo of a "Double Eagle".
This is the Screaming Eagle scheme applied until 1974.
This is the Buzz Saw/ Small Eagle scheme applied post 1974.