Stealing tips from messrs Mann, Yourstone and others, I submit the following for you perusal. It was rescued from the junk box.
Concessions: The car is an old Atlas 50' double door box, so the chunky steps and cast on ladders are what they are. Also, the yellow "R" markings indicate the car is equipped with roller bearing trucks, which it obviously is not (the Bettendorf's were handy... I'll be correcting this shortly) Also, the underframe is from an AHM car, which is slightly under 50', which is why the truck bolsters are a bit cross-eyed.
And for those of you really splitting hairs, the car number is actually for a 50' car equipped with an 8' door and a 6' door on each side, not two 8 footers.
But I like the dirt and rust!