What kind of price difference is there with rough cut / green vs the stuff you get in big box / lumber store? How long to dry? I guess that depends on the climate? Do you use a planer then to finish it after drying?
Lots of variables there. When I built my first house I was in northern Wyoming and there was a small family mill there that I bought my lumber from. This was the '70's and I think I paid about 12-15 cents a board foot. I built the 850 sq. ft. house for a total of $3800 plus $1200 to put a well in and $35 I paid a guy with a backhoe to dig a hole for the septic tank and leach field. My current house I paid about that much for the building permit. The newest house was built 20 years ago (pictures above) and can't remember what the rough sawn cost from a local mill here but I think it was about 1/2 of milled lumber. I never finished...
https://purplesagetradingpost.com/sumner/wyo-house/wyo-house.html.... the lumber in either house as I like the looks of it (inside above was first house). The newest house though has planed aspen for the walls, also bought from a local mill and I think it was about $1 a square foot when I bought it. This house is 1200 square feet with an attached 1600 sq. ft. shop and it cost about $70,000 to build (I did all the labor) and a couple years working almost every day for part of the day as I still worked.
Yes the climate is the determining factor (humidity). In Wyoming it is low and I air dried for about 3 summer/fall months as I prepared to build and started the build. Here in Utah were we are the humidity is around 10% and I wasn't framing with rough lumber so bought it and let it dry while I framed the exterior walls before I started to use it for posts/beams and ceiling joists. Some of the large timbers still twisted over time but no harm there.
As far as the stacking .. I'm not sure it matters too much for something like this that's basically a scene filler .. some of the resin loads sold prior to 3D printing weren't all that detailed either .. but you could design it that way for sure ..
I'm going to use these as they are since I will have a couple of lumber dealers on the new layout .. what color would these get painted?
My view exactly and how I treat a lot I'm doing as I don't see taking the time anymore to spend it on things I can barely see. It could be done but the stickers in the picture above that was posted are probably 1x's or less and that is only about .006' so even with a resin printer hard to print and see. I can't see the individual board lines now for the 2 inch thick boards from the stack sides unless I'm holding it in my hand with a light on it and they are .014" with a .008" gap between them.
I appreciate the work that is extremely detailed it just isn't me