Author Topic: Atlantic County 4-H Train Show and Sale: October 11th and 12th  (Read 904 times)

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Atlantic County 4-H Train Show and Sale: October 11th and 12th
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:21:22 AM »
On behalf of the Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club, I would like to extend the invitation to everyone here who is in the area to attend our annual Fall Train Show and Sale. As usual, this show is held by the Atlantic County 4-H Model Railroad Club in an attempt to introduce new generations of modelers to this great hobby, as well as create a friendly environment in which enthusiasts of all ages can come and experience the hobby. This is not meant to be a large show like the Greenberg shows, but rather a small-scale show for local residents to come out and witness operating layouts, as well as make hobby-related purchases, without the traveling and funds required to attend the larger shows. The details of the event are as follows:

As mentioned in the title, the dates for the show are the Saturday and Sunday of the Columbus Day weekend, so Saturday, the 11th, and Sunday, the 12th. Hours of operation are listed below:

   -Saturday, October 11th, 2014
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm

   -Sunday, October 12th, 2014
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Details regarding admission are as follows. All proceeds go towards supporting the 4-H Model Railroad Club in its goal of introducing today's youth to the hobby of Model Railroading. Donations are also accepted:

   -Adult Admission

   -Children under the age of 12
    Free Admission

As always, this show will be held at the David C. Wood Atlantic County 4-H Fairgrounds on route 50, right across from American Demolition (just minutes from Atlantic City). The show will be held in the large white building with Green lettering. See included pictures for reference:

   -Physical Address
    3210 Route 50 (Philadelphia Avenue)
    Lauraldale, NJ 08330

Featured layouts will include:

   - The 4-H Model Railroad Club's own Modular HO Scale Layout

   - New Jersey Southern N-Trak N Scale Modular Layout

In addition to the operating layouts, there will be 80+ tables of Vendors selling both New and Used scale railroad equipment, as well as reference material and railroad-related merchandise. Our vendors stock many interesting items and are just willing to sell them to you!

For more information, or just general questions and concerns, feel free to use any of the following means to contact either me or other members of the event staff:

   -John Kern (event organizer)
    Phone: (609) 517 - 8849

   -Christian Davis (me; web presence)
    Phone: (609) 214 -4589 (Please only use if other methods fail*)
    PM: Located under my profile

   -Also feel free to like and subscribe to our club's Facebook page, where you can receive updated show information, as     
    well as get a general understanding of the activities of our club:

I would like to thank you for the time you spent reading this, and I hope you can make it to our show. As I stated previously, this show is aimed at the local audience, and by no means should be taken as an obligation by those who are further away. I hope to see you there!

Below are some pictures that I hope you will find useful in locating our building:


*Disclaimer* - I apologize in advanced, as it is entirely my fault that this information is being released on such short notice. My work as a student has needed some getting used to, and I apologize for the delay. Being a student is also the reason that I ask that you use my phone only as a last resort when trying to contact me. I will do my best to respond to your inquiries in a quick an courteous manner, and I apologize in advanced for any delay in getting you the information that you seek. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to see you all there.

Christian J. Davis
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 12:45:27 PM by ChristianJDavis1 »
- Christian J. Davis


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Re: Atlantic County 4-H Train Show and Sale: October 11th and 12th
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 10:10:41 PM »
Bumped to keep on the first page. I hope that nobody minds.
- Christian J. Davis


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Re: Atlantic County 4-H Train Show and Sale: October 11th and 12th
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 11:03:48 PM »
Bumped again.
- Christian J. Davis