Author Topic: DCC Working, Thanks for all the help.  (Read 1213 times)

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DCC Working, Thanks for all the help.
« on: October 15, 2013, 06:47:36 PM »
Just wanted to thank all the folks that tried to help me with my recent DCC issues. I am happy to report that I am up and running.
A special thanks to Allen and Bob both of whom stayed on the project until the end.

You can check out my other DCC posts to see the long list of issues that I was having. Basically dead decoders or decoders that could only read the loco address. In a nutshell the solution:
1. I reset the Zephyr system to factory defaults.
2. I put a loco w/ Atlas decoder on the programming track and turned the throttle to full(something I read to do).
3. I called for the loco address and received it which was huge as some weren't reading at all.
4. The loco still would not run so I rewrote the loco address.
5. Success!
With the big LEO62XF decoder in a SD50, I soldered a 1K Ohm resister to the rails of my programming track.
The decoder address could be read, rewritten and the loco went on to work.

My guess is that turning the throttle to full may have increase the voltage just enough. The resistor forces the Zephyr to put out more voltage.

Lesson learned and I sure do appreciate all the help I got here. You are all invited over for a beer!



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Re: DCC Working, Thanks for all the help.
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 09:05:48 AM »
 :D   I Thought you we referring to  Washington DC