"Woo Woo Kachoo, Wooziers and all that jazz !" Now I will have to sell off my Con Cor Rivarossi 4014 for big bucks. Some parts were already robbed from the locomotive when the 3985 was restored , ones that were common to both lokies. One I believe was an air pump. I received a Fund Raising Folder for the 611,they are really looking for big bucks. Good luck on this endeavor with out help from NS. There will be a lot of fire departments along the Union Pacific that will not be happy as these locomotives and the Challengers were famous for fire starting , that is why a fire hose was on the rear of the tenders. The 3985 was converted to oil because of that reason. When it visited Utah before it's conversion it started two major brush fires along the right of way pulling excursion trips on two days. Nate Goodman (Nato).