Author Topic: Life Like SW1200 locos, website with info for replacement contact strips  (Read 1947 times)

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I am hoping at least one of the N scale forum goers’ can assist me.  A few months ago, I was web searching and came across a web page in which the individual had given an description for how to create a replacement contact strip for power pick-up which was indented to be used for the Life Like (Walthers) SW1200, 900, 800, etc. series of switchers.

As I recall from the website, it contain “thorough” instructions for creating the replacement contact strip.  I believe the person doing it was, perhaps, European since the measurements were given in metric.  In the instructions was a description for the “cut lines” for the replacement contact strip from the brass (or maybe bronze, copper, whatever) stock.

Therefore, I am hoping someone can provide to me the webpage where these instructions are located.  As a point of note, I had been lead to this webpage, as best I recall, by a link which had been in a n scale forum site.  Unfortunately, I do not recall which forum site this was.

Kindly note, I have recently come across a few websites which show some photo(s) with a caption about the replacement contact strip.  However, this is not what I am referring to here in this inquiry.

I will thank anyone in advance for providing help in this matter.

    Clubber Lang


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It just so happens I found the site while looking for decoder install instructions for a person over on

Life-Like SW8 Contacts

I think that's probably the one you're looking for.

John H. Reinhardt
John H. Reinhardt
PRRT&HS #8909
C&O HS #11530
N-Trak #7566


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John, that was the website.

Once again, your assistance is notably obliged.



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I have those exact contacs on mine, they work great.


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I have done this .... it works great !!!



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Add another name to the success of this method. Me.

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)