So Laserkit has a great looking N scale wooden 4 tank pickle tank car conversion for a 40' flat car now out and I'm looking for more pictures, information and especially any decal or dry transfer suggestions. In the past Athearn had a HO version of the car which I have the pictures and car info from (but only of the HO models they produced, no prototype pictures). The only prototype pictures I can find are of BMCX 210 and GATX 1254 (Von Allmen Pickles). Also I have a scan of the Railmodel Journal Jan 2002 article about the SOO line pickle tank (but it doesn't even identify the correct car number - picture shows 449something). I do have the RMC Dec 2011 issue on modelling the pickle industry and it has some great information and several great pictures of pickle tank cars. Model Railroading had some pictures in Dec 1988 issue (pg 12) and NMRA mag had something in Dec 2009 but I don't have access to either issues (any help?). As for decals, I have nothing. I thought that Clover House had something but after checking I was wrong. Nothing else has come up in any other searches. Can anyone else offer any more help or suggestions?