Author Topic: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT  (Read 7051 times)

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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2012, 02:46:17 PM »
Except that (due to no fault of MTL) the MSRP is the same as newly-tooled models, and everyone has caught up to MTL regarding decoration precision.  So if a modeler has a choice between a recently-tooled more-intricate model and one tooled 40 years ago and they are at the same price-point, which way are most people going to lean?
Bryan Busséy
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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2012, 03:32:02 PM »
Except that (due to no fault of MTL) the MSRP is the same as newly-tooled models, and everyone has caught up to MTL regarding decoration precision.  So if a modeler has a choice between a recently-tooled more-intricate model and one tooled 40 years ago and they are at the same price-point, which way are most people going to lean?

We don't know the answer to that question since we don't know the mindset of the silent majority that doesn't speak on forums..

We do know those old 40 year old cars still sell or MT would have discontinued their line of cars if they wasn't-just like Athearn dropped the blue box kits due to the lack of sales.


Summerset Ry.


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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2012, 04:28:36 PM »
Yeah we do know actually, just by examining outside evidence.  MTL chose not to upgrade its venerable PS-1 line, concentrating resources on new tooling instead.  So yeah, the models sell well enough to keep them in the line.  But the current sales and the long-standing threat of a competitor introducing updated enhanced versions were not enough to persuade TPTB to upgrade the models.

The Trainman line is not an equal comparison, since the price point and level of detail are much lower.  Yet they sell well enough that Atlas has invested in tooling upgrades and continues to introduce "lower end" models in this line - including models which marginally could be considered to be in the "higher end" category.

So it's clear, based on how the models are sold and maintained, how the "silent majority" has spoken.  And apparently the majority isn't asking for retrofit underframes, otherwise MTL would have tooled them.  The majority did ask for heavyweights, and now MTL is popping out new models and schemes like multiplying rabbits. 

You can't have it both ways - arguing one minute that the company should tool an item they've already researched and decided against, and then arguing the next minute that the overall market should determine whether or not the said item should be tooled.  The market already has spoken, MTL is acting accordingly, and that's that.
Bryan Busséy
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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #48 on: May 07, 2012, 05:08:22 PM »
Actually MT has said nothing or anything for or against.

I fail to understand why you are against any upgraded frame?

As a  N Scaler you should support such improvements-unless you own or employed by a competing company.. ;)

Then I could fully understand why you are so negative with this and other like topics.

Summerset Ry.


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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #49 on: May 07, 2012, 05:47:51 PM »
Amazing.  I provide you with as much insight as I'm allowed since I have access to more information than you, and you interpret it as an attack.  Always.

Never have I said I was against an upgraded frame.  What I said was that it wasn't feasible from a mass-market standpoint for MTL to release such a product.  You clearly have no idea how much I advocate and have advocated behind the scenes across the industry to get some of these innovations into the mainstream.  The progress in N scale design at large over the last few years has been astounding, which you would see if you would step back and take a look.  Stop misrepresenting my positions, as it's beyond annoyance at this point.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2012, 05:50:24 PM by bbussey »
Bryan Busséy
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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #50 on: May 07, 2012, 05:59:52 PM »
Amazing.  I provide you with as much insight as I'm allowed since I have access to more information than you, and you interpret it as an attack.  Always.
No,I never once said it was a attack-in this or any topic so,I don't know where you got that idea.

I just can't understand your negative posts-always negative.

You may be shocked at the numbers of e-mails I send to the better manufacturers suggesting ideas and improvements and never once have I been meet with a negative answer.

Manufacturers do listen.


Summerset Ry.


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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2012, 06:19:14 PM »
I had to stop participating in this thread because I felt it would result in my eventual expulsion

Dave Schneider

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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2012, 08:12:42 PM »

I for one appreciate the insight you have provided into the world of producing N scale models. I don't see your posts as negative but rather as providing an educated alternative viewpoint.  The design improvements that those of us in the buying public have been treated to by those of you in the manufacturing world are very much appreciated. Personally, I will not lose sleep over a new underframe for MTL PS-1s as my investment in those cars is limited. I am looking forward to the state of the art Atlas cars, as well as the new products offered by ESM, FVM, BLMA, etc.

Best wishes, Dave
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Re: Lowering Micro-Trains PS-1s - suggestion for MT
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2012, 10:57:42 PM »

That's all I'm trying to do.  By showing things from the manufacturing perspective along with revealing a little bit of inside information here and there, it helps people see what is and isn't feasible.  We all have our personal wishlists of items we'd like to see come to market.  But sometimes, it behooves us to tap into the "modeling" aspect of "model railroading" rather than wait for a mass-market RTR item.
Bryan Busséy
NHRHTA #2246
NSE #1117