Author Topic: Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming  (Read 1319 times)

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Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:55:12 PM »
This engine arrived today; I found the address is set at 05.
I also found that it runs in the opposite direction of the few engines I have set up to
run DCC on my layout.
I am in the very early phase of learning DCC using Digitrax Zephyr Xtra.
I know hour to assign a new address = change the address for a locomotive.
I am still looking at the manual to learn how to "program relative directional travel."


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Re: Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2012, 10:31:00 PM »
CV 29 is your best friend.

You should verify,if the locomotive travel relative to your controllers setting of forward and reverse. It may be that your other locomotives may be traveling in reverse when the controller is set to forward. Also verify the headlights when programming the direction travel, you may need to change them as well and in some cases decoder dependent, check the documentation.

The S.

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Re: Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 06:59:30 AM »
You also might try doing a general decoder reset.  For Bachmann decoders that is writing CV8 = 8. If that doesn't work you can try setting CV8 = 33.

For your Digitrax Zephyr the steps are listed here

The logic behind this is that decoders are supposed to be factory set to address 3.  Since yours came as address 5, then it could be assumed that someone has been playing with it and might have changed the CV29 setting which controls which direction is considered forward.

If all else fails here is a DCC CV29 calculator which you can use to find the number to program into the CV.

Note that you can replace the "08" in step #4 decoder reset procedure with the number of any CV you wish to program and the "08" in step #6 with the value you wish to put in that CV.  These are normal decimal numbers as opposed to hexadecimal (base16) as often listed.

  John H. Reinhardt


For instructions on how to program CV's other than the address CV's see section 16.3 of the Zeyphr Xtra manual - Programming Configuration Variables other than Addresses.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 07:07:22 AM by reinhardtjh »
John H. Reinhardt
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Re: Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 09:33:56 AM »
:) :) :) :)!
John, thank you for getting me started on the "right track."
Even with a minimal amount of coffee, this worked.
Engine now functions on address 03 and goes forward when the system direction indicator is moved to forward. 

Why would a new engine come with a different address?

Most likely one of the following:
- someone at the factory didnt complete testing
- someone at the shop started to play with it and forgot to reset it
- someone purchased it and returned it after failing to configure the CV's properly
- you may have left it on the track when attempting to program another locomotive

Its a good idea to keep the programming track electrically isolated from your layout.

The S.
The S.

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Re: Bachmann n-scale 2-10-2 programming
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 07:39:48 AM »
I have the CV29 calculator widget for my computer, I use it all the time, I don't ever manually calculate the value anymore unless I have to.

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)