I stand corrected, by myself. I double-checked and the B&O highsides are rib-side cars, not offset-side. I must have been thinking of an image I looked at yesterday, of MP converted offset-side cars in Arkansas. Sorry.
Ed, there were several sawmills in the Millsboro DE area on the Georgetown branch. I believe there still is at least one but I am almost certain it's not rail-served (I remember it being near the now-shuttered Crown Cork and Seal factory in the area). I know I have spotted bunkered log trucks down there still and a conveyer system for chip storage too. But back in the 50s and 60s I believe they hauled the chips north to PA paper mills, probably the Scott plant in Chester. Pulp logs were also hauled out in PRR gondolas then. The pines on the Eastern Shore grow quick and are great for pulp.