Author Topic: Carolina Southern, NMRA, RailOps Weekend  (Read 1177 times)

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Carolina Southern, NMRA, RailOps Weekend
« on: September 02, 2010, 07:42:33 PM »
The Piedmont area of the Carolinas is becoming a hotbed for realistic operations on model railroads in both N scale and HO scale. 

For the second year in a row, the Carolina Southern Division of the National Model Railroad Association is setting up a weekend filled with operations on a number of area layouts.  Coming on the heels of the largely successful OpSig's NC RailRun event generally for more experienced operators, the CSD-RailOps Weekend is geared toward people of all experience levels, from no experience to veteran level experience.  To participate, all you have to do is have an interest in operations on a prototypical level.  It is largely a local event attended by NMRA members and nonmembers in the Charlotte area, but we welcome participants from anywhere who want to come to the Carolinas to learn about operations.

The event is scheduled for October 15-17, 2010.  A lineup of participating layouts is posted on our blog page, including the anticipated schedule.

Featured this year during the event will be Jack Parker's Piedmont & Western Railroad, a fine HO scale railroad occupying two buildings.  The P&W is a transition era railroad set in the Appalachians in the fall.  Coal hauling, local traffic, and passenger trains are all a part of this locally famous and well-built model railroad that inspired many others in the area to begin operating on their own railroads.

If you have an interest in learning operations or participating with experienced crew members on established operating railroads, this weekend will be for you.  For more information, check the following sources:

CSD-RailOps Blog:

Carolina Southern Website (including registration):
Norfolk Southern CR&E Division
Charleston, Roanoke & Eastern Railway