Not sure if this has been mentioned on here or not but...
As a number of you are probably aware Micro Engineering changed hands a couple years ago. The previous owners had let stock run low or to out-of-stock status. The new owners wanted to move the manufacturing to their home town located in northern Missouri and they found a lot of the equipment to be wore out, needing either extensive repairs/updates or replace.
This has made it hard to find their product the last few years if not impossible. Looks like that is all changing and also changing for the better with new products added and inventories being restocked.
In the posts about track options over the last couple years I've been reluctant to mention ME code 55 which is what I've used because it hasn't been available. I noticed this is changing. I just found one site with 36 bundles of 6 pieces of 36" code 55 in stock. I love the track. Very easy to install, looks fantastic and with the low spike height you can even run 'cookie cutter' locos and cars on it.
The new owners look like a perfect fit for the product and even though the last few years has been a hard transition for them I can see they are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. They also hope to have a 'modern up-too-date' web site up by early summer and are working hard on filling orders.