As we glide into the Mid Century portion of the current era, I'm seeing an uptick in interest in artifacts of the Dark Ages of N scale. A subtopic under the N Scale forum might capture that audience.
My N Scale Hi Rail page on the Facetoobs has close to 700 followers, and there's a fair number of them that participate regularly and also do some pretty respectable modeling.
Those are Bachmann U36Bs modified by Lou DeGrose.
A similar subtopic might be useful under the HO section as well, since collecting and running vintage Tyco, Mantua and Athearn blue box is very popular right now.
Many of these guys are like me, limited space and limited budget, and a fondness for the nostalgia of the junque we had available in our youth.
My main reason for asking this is I'm scaling back my presence on Facebook for a myriad of reasons, and I'd like to invite my membership (who are all screened through a 2 step process to a closed private group) to come to a new home where our odd approach to the hobby can be nurtured.
Humbly I petition the powers that be to provide a trial platform to see how it goes..
All the best,