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Bachmann K4's show up on eBay from time to time and can be had for under $200.
Eh, f**k it. Just gonna do it straight. If it’s unsatisfactory to me and someday I make a permanent switch back to N scale exclusively I can scrap ‘em and do something permanent with better-looking trackage. But for now I want maximum portability, so that means T-Trak, and maximum simplicity, which means Unitrack. Weathering will help the transition between the different tie spacing. And I’ll just suck up the jeers from the few people here who’ll care.
How hard would it be to spray bomb the Unitrack and then, at whatever pace you’re comfortable with, use a small brush to paint full strength (or ever-so-slightly diluted) white glue between the ties and just dump ballast on until it dries. Pour off and reuse the excess ballast. This way you don’t have to try to manicure the ballast around those low-profile ties. Do just a foot or so at a time to stay sane. Maybe? Admittedly, I haven’t tried this, so I’m ducking for cover! DFF
That's one option for sure... But I feel like I have more patience with painting than ballasting that every-so-shallow tie web...
Which is why it occurred to me that I would prefer “paint” that white glue between the ties and dump on the ballast rather than to try and meticulously get each ballast of grain in the right place. Ballasting Unitrack and OCD don’t mix.DFF
I sometimes have to remind myself that there can be a difference between what I can do and what I want to do.I wrote an article for a magazine on making Hon3 commercial track look better. I demonstrated that Peco code 55 N scale track can be made to look like turn-of-the-last-century standard gauge trackage. So I could go to heroic lengths to use finer scale track on Unitrack layouts and solve complicated issues ensuring total compatibility with the T-Trak standard. But I don't think I want to. No, I don't think I want to do that. I think I want to snap together the fun play track and then try to make it look good enough.I know @robert3985 will be disappointed in me and my results for sure. And Bob, believe me when I say I have deep respect for you both as a technical expert and as an exceptional modeler. But in the end, I'm doing this for me, and I want a break from the self-imposed pressure that's governed my modeling of late. Model railroading is starting to actually become stressful for me, especially when I worry too much about the opinions of others.Again, if'n I don't like it, I can tear it down, reuse all the structures on some other layout, and then sell the used Unitrack for a buck or two.I also think maybe I need to quit "socializing" every idea and giving others veto power over my own desires. Better modeling through peer pressure for sure, but if someone doesn't like my T-Trak Pennsy because of the Unitrack, I'll refer them to my two Colorado-themed layouts.