Well, the Athearn Challenger had some problems when they first came out. Something about shorting. And they offered replacement wheels.
Since mine was used, I have no idea if I have original or replaced wheels.... but I do know that one day when running it died.
The decoder was shorted out.
Now usually, a red/black short is inconsequential and a decent DCC system should shut down with no problem. So I don't know what happened to mine.
But when I dug into, what I found was disturbing.
There are two weights that must be removed.
The first is in the rear (right in this shot) of the tender. Just lift it out (with no decoders in the way).
You then have to remove the speaker. It is retained by two screws with bent washers to hold it.
With the speaker lifted out of the way, you can see the retaining screw in the sound chamber.
While you have the weight out, flip it over. There is black insulation tape in that slot. Mine was old and moving around (not good). It might need to be replaced.
When I removed the rear weight, I was floored. The electrical pick-ups were trashed.
Two wiper tabs were broken off (blue).
One was bent and not touching anything (purple).
And something bad happened and melted the plastic position-er/cover/insulator (red)!
And the ones under the speaker weight weren't much better. The wipers were on TOP of the wheels instead of behind them. I'm guessing someone had removed the wheels from the bottom of the tender and replaced them without thought to the wipers.
This was all bad. I had repairs to do. Obviously, that screw holds the cover plate on.
The wipers are in two halves.
But mine were so damaged, they fell apart. They are VERY delicate.
Here's my melted cover plate.
When you remove the wipers, notice the insulting tape under the solder joints. You don't want any shorts if this is gone.