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If you look at the upper right and lower left of this map, you will see that E. WILSON street was diverted, removed and turned into a trail. The trackage is still there. Opposite the tracks from the trail is a nice skate park where the homes once were.
So if I get this right, then the tracks are still there but all houses are gone?I always thought that the Capitol City Trail is what was once the Milw trackage on both ends of E Wilson. That means there was never a train on E Wilson / S Dickinson...
you can find old maps and aerial photos here: https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer It looks like there used to be a rail line down East Wilson St. to the northeast of the view posted by @Lemosteam.
@Lemosteam I just need to ask.... Isn't this the location where the train is?
@keeper This is nearby as well. https://www.google.com/maps/@43.0676796,-89.3943311,3a,43y,333.86h,88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szwYBr3mrKqsJh74r13-siQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
...Also, if you like street running, and I am very guilty of that, check out Bellevue Iowa on the CPKC River sub between the Quad cities and Minneapolis on Steel Highways Youtube channel: />