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Atlas C55 is 1.25". On older layouts when I used Peco, I think they naturally came out at 1.125 (1' and an 1/8th) which I preferred for looks. To get that with Atlas track, I think you have to trim a few ties and rail off the point end, not a huge deal with rail cutters. To my eye, the 1.25" just looks to wide. If you lay track well and switch slowly, I wouldn't think the trade off between fiddle ability and looks would make a big difference and I would go with the 1.125" myself.If you have any hidden staging yards, years of experience taught me that spacing the tracks far enough apart to allow the tallest cars to flop over is a great idea, even at a loss of a track or two of staging, i.e., 2" if you have hi-cubes or autoracks. For those, adding a small 1/2" tob1" spacer to the C55 ladder works.As always, just my humble opinion.
I think you need to re-do your math. I don't have any Atlas55 on hand right now, but ME55 measures tie-end to tie-end only .672" in total width. If I butt ME track together with the tie-ends touching...the center-to-center measurement is the same, .672" or 43/64ths of an inch...MUCH less than 1.125" center-to-center. With a 1.125" center-to-center measurement, the distance between adjacent tie ends is .453"...almost half an inch of space.Although Atlas55 ties are a bit longer if memory serves me, they're not going to come even close to touching with a center-to-center space of 1.125".EDIT: Ohhhh...you're talking about turnouts and yard ladders. Gotcha! Since I hand-lay my yard ladders in one monolithic unit with track centers figured into it, using RTR turnouts is something I've never thought about using. Thanks Ed @Ed Kapuscinski for making that clearCheerio!Bob Gilmore