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What’s that card full of electronics in thr middle of your helix? Craig
I finished up another baggage car for my Rock Island passenger train.This was an undecorated Rapido model. I installed the grab irons, painted it, installed decals (K4 Supply), and gave it a quick spray of dulcote.I may weather this one a bit. (Attachment Link)
Nicely done on the Rio Grande boxcar.I finished installing the lighting over the existing layout sections. I simulated the upper fascia over the New Haven section to confirm that the light would be focused on the layout and that there would be no "sun-glare" on the control panels. The lighting will help in finishing some modifications to the right-of-way under the Cedar Street overpass as well as the swing bridge over Shaw's Cove.
Wow that's the sparsest bench work I have ever seen . Will there be any scenery on the far wall ?
Erik, your D&RGW boxcar is a masterpiece - are you going to build yourself a fleet of them? I’m a resin caster with a couple of decades of pedigree and among the cars I’ve added to my fleet are what we in Canada call the ‘Dominion Boxcar’. This is a 36 foot outside braced boxcar jointly developed in 1908 by the CPR (for whom W. E. Fowler was Chief Mechanical Officer at the time) and Dominion Car and Foundry - the CPR had a fleet of 33,000 of these cars and they lasted well into the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. The predecessor roads of the CNR had a similar number. The Dominions were also converted to stock cars (at one point almost all of the CPR stock car fleet was converted Dominion boxcars) and were widely used in work service. In my era (late ‘50’s) Dominion boxcars we’re used in all of these rolls, so they’re all over my layout.The point of this is that I agree that the mix of the car sizes adds to the ‘feel’ of our era of modelling. And the Dominions are 4 feet shorter than yours.And I appreciate seeing images of Bryan’s layout. As much as I admire the well composed ‘railfan’ photos, I really like to see the overall layout views - it gives a sense of the scope of other’s work, and their progress, techniques, and etc. I know, lots of others post similar photos, but I thought it was worth commenting on.
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Been very busy the last few months, but my N scale Colorado Midland still lives.