I am considering getting a Kato "Notched" SDP40F in Santa Fe. (So, technically an SDF40-2 I guess if you want to pick nits.). I want to install a Loksound decoder, and I'm sort of going in circles trying to figure out how to proceed. I've seen that Loksound has released or is about to release a new round of decoders for various purposes so I'm wondering which of those if any are correct. Also got directed to a "Wutter Board" which I then learned wouldn't work for the SDP40F model...unless maybe they released a new version of the board since that thread. So anyway, help?
I've always been a fan of the ATSF cowl units. Although I'm modeling BN, there was significant ATSF run through power and I have "proof of life" for almost any six-axle ATSF locos. Getting an FP45 (or F45, I can't remember which one would be the better option) could be another option, but I sort of like the "junk yard dog" look of the notched SDF40-2's. I model the era right as Santa Fe was bringing the silver warbonnet back, so I was thinking that I might do the Freight SDF40-2 and also one of the the "new" silver warbonnets too. (and really the notches were done right about that same time too)