Hey, got the same phone (S22) a few weeks when Verizon/Samsung bricked my S7 trying to do an OTA update while I was doing 70 MPH on I-95.

Since you are using a camera phone it's harder to control the camera than, say, a DSLR though many are getting better. I can only speak from my knowledge of DSLR cameras. The sensors actually have points of image processing "pixels" (not to confused by megapixels). The pixels process the RGB color and other image related info and together form the image that you see. For example, Nikon calls the chip EXPEED
n where
n is a version, e.g., EXPEED 5. Canon uses DIGIC
n. EXPEED 5 in my Nikon D500 has 180,000 pixels. (In the beginning, the earlier cameras have much less pixels.)
So if you point the camera at the same scene but from a slightly different angle, these pixels see and process different info. This is due to the different color and light it "sees". I've had landscape phots look amazing but change the angle and they look blah.
(Caution, overwhelming info)