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Sounds like possibly a speed matching issue.Does each B30-7 run at exactly the same speed as the others? Cold? Warm?The B30-7 is a relatively light loco. What are the other locos you do not have problems with (as a comparison)?
Something else that comes to mind is if these locos have the cracking flywheel doughnut problem.
Yes, that s a common and annoying problem, but when the cracked donut coupling is slipping on the motor or worm shaft, that results in the wheels dragging, not turning while slipping.
That's what I said (or at least it's what I intended to say).
He said it was still difficult to determine. Which it is unless the wheels have some debris or a mark on them that you can easily see.
How old are these locos?I ask because I’m wondering if maybe one or more of the motors are suffering from weakened magnets.You can check by removing the motor and rotating it by hand and feel for notching as each poles pass. The stronger the magnets the stronger the notching.Unsure if this would be your problem but worth a check and it’s easy to do.I think I would try to narrow down the issue to each loco to see if one or more is worse than the others. Try running each loco individually with a train of cars and rinse and repeat with the same train on each loco and then go deeper from there.