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Thanks for the info Nate.I'm not sure I understand your "not wanting to tempt faith" statement. What are you afraid of? That the loco mechanism, or their motors will get damaged? Or just that the locos will slip their wheels, not able to pull the entire set?In my years of experience running and servicing/repairing N scale locos I have never seen any damage caused by "overloading" a loco. The models are light enough that the wheels will slip, but the wheels can slip all day and the drive train and motor will not get damaged. Even if the model has traction tires, the wheels will still slip (the motor is *THAT* powerful relative to the model's weight). If you let such loco slip for a very long time I suspect that there is a possibility of the traction tire coming off or getting damaged, but that would also take a while to happen.Back in the day, when some members ran mutli-unit lash-ups of mismatched speed DC locos on our NTRAK layouts during shows, some of the locos had their wheels slipping continuously, yet they were fine after an hour of running time (out assigned track time was 1 hour). I know barbecue I was the guy who serviced many of those models.I would say that you should be 100% safe even trying to run the entire 10-car set and even more with a single loco, and finding out how successful it would be.
Ah, I did not scroll down far enough to see Reply. Nate Goodman.(Nato).