I will second NORSEMANJACK's endorsement of io group's NSCALEYARDSALE:
https://groups.io/g/NScaleYardSale/topics This group is what YAHOO Group changed into. This group is
MODERATED There are NO fee's And you can sell how you feel like it. The whole collection for one price, bundle different groups of items together ie: 10 tankcars for $--6 boxcars for $--structures-engines-track work. Made a package, so many pieces for so much etc etc. NO FEES. NEVER have been ripped off. The deal is between YOU and YOUR BUYER. Payment is whatever you want to accept. PayPal--Money Orders--Checks--Cash.
I have also done the FeeBay thing. Almost too D*** much hassle anymore. And FeeBay wants a cut of EVERYTHING. If something goes WRONG, FeeBay will almost ALWAYS side with the BUYER. No matter what. And to me, it seems like there is a whole group of Buyers, who have nothing better to do then look for ways to SHAFT the Seller. A supposed complaint can tie you up for months. Ever if the Seller has done NOTHING wrong. Personal experience here speaking.
There are several FACEBOOK People/Vendors buying N-Scale,[and a little HO] collections and then having ONLINE REAL TIME auctions. The several Vendors I know are out on the West Coast. You can do a search of FB Auctions. At least 4 Vendors/Collection Buyers that I know of.
There are advertisements in MODEL RAILROADER MAGAZINE and RAILROAD MODEL CRAFTSMAN MAGAZINE for Buyers of collections. I've never done any business with any of these people, so I can't pass judgement here.
If Model Railroad Show and Swap meets ever get going [finger's crossed here] again, this can be a good place to sell collections and excess inventory. My LOCAL NMRA Div has been waiting since March 2020 to get our Train Show and Sale back on the calendar. I'm getting more and more inquiry's everyday. So let's HOPE FOR THE BEST.
'Nuff Said
DIESELS?!?!?! We don't need NO stinkin' Diesels!!!
The INDIANA RAILWAY.......Still 100% Steam Powered in 2021
A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new. Albert Einstein