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Jeff AKA St0rm

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CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« on: March 05, 2021, 12:41:59 AM »
Its been a long time since I have had time for much model railroading. I have a 5 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old now and it was just over 5 years ago I made my last post on my last layout build. that layout can be found here and a lot has changes since then. About this time last year we here in Canada went into a lock down (like most of the world) and after about 2 weeks the kids were driving me crazy. The wife and I had talked about me giving up half the basement (that I had all of) to the kids. Having not worked on my layout much in the last 5 years I thought I should just start now and not wait a year or so like we had talked about. So down comes the old layout.

The plan at first was to just take down the Peninsula and connect the layout back together so the kids could play in the middle and the layout could stay for some time still.

It was a great idea until my 2.5 year old started to get into everything. Yes I didn't plan that out at all. So down it all comes.

As all this was going on I had been planning the new layout for about a month or so and had an idea what I was going to build

So lets build some bench work. I am building the layout as portable because in 2 years I will be finishing the basement. The layout come apart easy and is built to fit into one of the 2 rooms that will be in the basement. I will be framing and drywalling the basement myself so the room will be built to very specific dimensions.

Also built a new work bench

The layout is already up and running and more photos will come in my next post. that is all for today.


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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2021, 08:04:34 AM »
Wow, lots of work with great progress!  But I'm confused about one thing.  How do the kids coexist with the new layout?  Or is it in another area of the basement?

Philip H

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2021, 08:30:43 AM »
nice Plycroft Eames Lounge Chair knockoff in that one picture.  I have the same one.
Philip H.
Chief Everything Officer
Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2021, 11:25:35 AM »
Wow, lots of work with great progress!  But I'm confused about one thing.  How do the kids coexist with the new layout?  Or is it in another area of the basement?

Yes I have been at it for a year now. those photos are old from April of 2020. Yes the basement will be 2 rooms in the future when I finish the basement. for now it looks like this. To get into the layout you have to go through the laundry and I can close it off. My layout room is 8 x 12.5 the kids room is 12 x 12.5. Yes I gave the kids 4 extra feet.

nice Plycroft Eames Lounge Chair knockoff in that one picture.  I have the same one.

They are great. This one is 30 years old. I got it from my Uncle when he got a new chair.

Philip H

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2021, 11:41:30 AM »
They are great. This one is 30 years old. I got it from my Uncle when he got a new chair.

I need new bases for mine both the stool and the chair
Philip H.
Chief Everything Officer
Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2021, 12:06:11 PM »
More photos of the progress I made over the last year. I didn't take many photos as I went along.

Because of the lock downs and not wanting to wait on new track and cork I reused flex track and cork for the first time ever. Very little of the old layout was ballasted so the old track came up very easy. I have no good place to store the used track and cork so its just all over the layout where ever I have room for it. Now that I am all done with most of the track laying I will go through the left over and sort it out.

this photo is from Oct of 2020 taken from the entrance of the layout. This is a drop down section. I don't ever open it as the layout is 50" off the ground and I can duck under easy. I built it as a just incase

The layout is built freestanding until the basement is finished. the layout is 4" from the wall on the right here to leave room for the wall that will be there one day.

As you can see there was a mess of track all over the layout as I was building. I use latex caulk to hold the track down to the cork. This is easily cleaned up with a #18 chiseling blade. takes about 2 min per section of flex to clean off

The inside of this turn is going to be a city with a few more industries. Design of this is still up in the air


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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2021, 12:19:06 PM »
The amazing thing about these pictures is that although there is plenty of clutter and "stuff", it is so well organized that it doesn't seem cluttered!  Said by someone who has failed miserably in that department!  I need to take lessons from you!  :)

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2021, 01:08:57 PM »
Current photos

entrance to the layout.

Here is the yard. tracks from left to right are; main 1 and 2 then A/D 1 and 2 then 6 classification tracks. The right most track goes to the other side and is the lead to the intermodal yard. Along the left wall I have 2 spur tracks already for 2 industries that will be flat along the wall. 

This is the back wall taken from under the TV. We have the grain elevator, the 2 tracks in the middle are the intermodal yard. The John dear tractors are just an idea. I have the building for the tractor dealer already built from an old layout but I don't know if a tractor dealer fits into the general theme of the layout.

On this side we have the lumber yard. Its going to be a large lumber yard taking up most of that area of the layout. The split in the double track main is for the station platform. The little station building might stay there or it might get moved to the inside of the layout. Access to the center station platform will be underground. This is how it is done in the Toronto area at most GO train stations. Also we see the entrance to the staging yard.

Then we have the staging yard. The left 5 tracks are longer hold 20-18 car trains and all go one way. The 6 on the right all go the other way, are shorter but still hold a 15 car train

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2021, 02:37:43 PM »
Ok last post for today. I have been stuck on the Loco servicing area for a week now. Here is the space I am working with. The grid is 6" track is atlas code 55 track turnouts can be #5 or #7 I have lots of each onhand.

I am lost. I have more Locos that anyone should have and I have more building then I need too so its hard to pick what I need and what I should use. I am just laying out tracks to see how things fit. Buildings I have to use are. Bachman Loco fuel platforms, Bachman Car shop 4 3/4" x 7.5" 3 stalls, Bachman Loco Maintenance 7.5" x 4 1/4" 2 stalls, Walthers Machine Shop 8" x 5 1/4" 1 stall and Rix Atkinson Engine facility 6" x 3 " 1 stall. you can see the baseplates and building in the photo below.

Any help and ideas are welcome.


Philip H

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2021, 03:59:45 PM »
Take the two tracks I have brownish and curve them back.  Then shift the engine ship and move the fuel pad over following the purple arrows. Take pile of loose switches and use elsewhere.  Add some no longer used right of way scars and all the attendant yard structures and details.

Philip H.
Chief Everything Officer
Baton Rouge Southern RR - Mount Rainier Division.


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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2021, 04:17:55 PM »
This is some prime real estate.  I would strongly suggest having a fuel and sanding pad, with a bypass track, next to your engine ready tracks.  The shop tracks should not be fouled by engines idling waiting for assignments.


Angus Shops

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2021, 06:38:22 PM »
You gave in to easily. You’re spoiling your kids.

Obviously I’m joking; you need to do what’s right for your family. It’s always a bit of a negotiation. Our first house was small with enough bedrooms for my first (my son Kyle) and his parents in two main floor bedrooms. Along came #2 which prompted a large scale renovation of the basement that included a master bedroom  and a big playroom/train room. The playroom was a bit of a bust because Kyle was, for some reason, scared to be alone in the basement. Fine; no reason then not to expand the layout. Then came #3 and suddenly Kyle lost his fear of the basement (and I mean overnight) and he moved into the basement. I had to build him a bedroom, but it still had a chunk of layout in his room. He was about 6.

So we moved. The new house had lots of bedrooms and a big room in the basement for the empire. Kyle had a great bedroom upstairs with animal wallpaper and the whole works, with a civilized bathroom and all the amenities expected in a family house. Work progressed on the layout for a couple of years before Kyle moved down to the basement and set up his bedroom right in the middle of my layout! That really cramped my style and limited my allowable work time on the layout. The basement had a barely functional bathroom and spiders the size of dinner plates. He stayed there all the way through high school, and even a couple of years of college, girlfriend and all.
We moved again. This house had a smaller layout room in the basement, but there was room to negotiate about the size of the bedroom attached to the suite that my daughter (#2) would live in; it was unreasonably large so I moved the wall 5’ and gained a usable train room. Kyle has moved out, married and will be a dad in about a month, so there’s almost no chance of him landing back in the train room.

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2021, 11:33:48 PM »

Playing around with the loco servicing again. Here is the over view shot.

here is a closer photo. I have labeled what everything is. This is what I am thinking.

We have the car shops on the right. Its a 3 stall building but the railroad only uses 2 door these days the 3rd track has been taken up. some ties can still be seen with no track.

the next 2 tracks are for sand and fuel. the "pad" that is there is 2 of a possible 4 lengths I can use.

The building at the end of the sand and fuel tracks is Small engine repair. they can use the turnouts to get locos in and out around any locos that might be getting sand and fuel.

The red brick CP building is more major engine repair. In the first photo I have it set up parallel to the other building but the track is a little tight. In the second photo I angled the building a little and it helped with the track fitting BUT my question is would a real railroad have any reason to angle the building???

Please help with any and all ideas!!



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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2021, 10:07:44 AM »
I'd go with the angled CP-rail repair building placement, because the sharp S curves leading into the parallel placement look really awkward.

So - you need a reason to place the building over to the side and at an angle.  Yes, a real railroad would do that, but most likely because the CP-rail building was added later than the others and there was some obstacle that prevented it from being placed along side the light repair shop.   It already looks like it could be newer, so all you need is an obstacle. It could be another building (just needs to look older than the CP-rail building) or a tank (water storage maybe?).
NKPH&TS #3628

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Jeff AKA St0rm

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Re: CP Flog Subdivision part 2
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2021, 11:51:21 AM »
Maybe I Could add some Fuel storage tanks in between.