To convert ME track to work with Proto 87 what do you need to do?
The flextrack works as-is.
To convert an ME turnout, replace the frog with a #6 frog built to P:87 standards. That could be something you make yourself, or one of the P:87 #6 frogs from the Proto:87 stores. You also need to replace the guard rails and modify the points/throwbar to match the proper P:87 dimensions. Overall it's not really diifficult or time-consuming, tho the first few take some time to learn the process, parts, etc. A proto:87 standards track gauge is an essential tool. On some turnouts I had to do some extra fiddling since the curved rails are made a bit a bit too wide for P:87 wheels (in order to accommodate some of the older, oversized HO locos and rolling stock). I was able to successfully run converted 6-axle diesls and 73' ceneterbeams thru the converted ME turnouts.
You can also buy P:87 turnouts from Proto:87 Stores online, in either kit or fully assembled. I've found that even the assembled ones can take a bit of fiddling. With those you do have the option of other turnout sizes in addition to the #6.